Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a procedure that removes excess breast fat and tissue. Many women decide on doing a Breast Reduction Surgery because they feel that their chest or breasts are out of proportion with their body.
Many women dream of breast enlargement – large breasts are considered a symbol of femininity. They are associated with the object of desire and the canons of beauty set by beauty influencers and celebrities. However, as the old saying goes: everything in moderation. The same applies to the size of the breasts.
Too large, overgrown breasts (in medicine called gigantomastia) can be a cause of low self-esteem and numerous ailments and health problems. That is why their owners often decide to reduce the breasts surgically.
Breast reduction is performed for both aesthetic and health reasons. Large, disproportionate breasts often cause discomfort to the patient and make it difficult for her to perform everyday activities or play sports. They also induce poor posture. For women who suffer from gigantomastia, one breast can weigh as much as 2.5 to 3 kg. The skin and the muscles of the chest are unable to support such a weight, so the whole task rests on the spine. Breast reduction is essential for health as opposed to breast augmentation, which is mainly performed for aesthetic reasons.
Oversized breasts can cause both health and emotional problems in some women. The weight of excess body fat can make it challenging to lead an active lifestyle. The emotional distress and feeling of embarrassment that often accompany women with large breasts are just as significant as physical discomfort and pain. Plastic surgery of the breast may be the only solution in a situation where the bust becomes the cause of physical and mental anguish. Side effects of having oversized breasts include:
- Excessively stressed spine, which may cause its defect, obstruct breathing and interfere with regular physical activity
- Large breasts overly attract attention from other people, which can be embarrassing.
- They disturb the proportions of the body, make the physique seem too massive and thicker than it really is.
- Pain in the area of the breast, neck, or back
Breast plastic surgery is often the best way to eliminate all these psycho-physical ailments. Neglecting this problem most often leads to complications, the effects of which cannot be reversed.
Perform the tests recommended by the doctor necessary in the process of qualifying for the procedure. Follow the doctor’s instructions regarding the medications you are taking to support the body before the surgery. Quit or at least reduce smoking 2 to 4 weeks before the scheduled procedure. Two weeks before the surgery, do not take aspirin and its derivatives and herbal dietary supplements that affect blood clotting (blood thinners). Mammoplasty (breast reduction) is best performed in the first week after menstruation because the breasts are relatively less supplied with blood – in addition, the level of hormones is much lower. Breast reduction is conducted under general anesthesia.
Every situation is unique. Upon further examination, you will get detailed instructions from your surgeon about the procedure preparation and what you can expect.
Breast reduction is a surgery usually performed by making cuts to the skin of the breast to remove any excess skin, fat, and gland. In some cases, adipose tissue may be removed by liposuction combined with the removal of excess skin. In cases where there is no problem with an excessive amount of loose skin, and the issue is too much fatty tissue – a satisfactory result can be achieved with liposuction alone. The surgical technique is selected during a personal consultation with a plastic surgeon and depends on the condition of the patient’s breast and her expectations. Regardless of the surgical method, breast reduction surgery is always performed under general anesthesia.
Your surgeon may choose among the variety of different surgical techniques based on your individual condition. Some of the methods include:
- Circular cut around the areola of the nipple;
- Lollipop-shape incision (or key-shape incision): with a cut around the areola of the nipple and a vertical incision from the areola to the bottom of the breast;
- Inverted T-shaped incision (“anchor”): a cut around the areola, a vertical incision from the areola to the bottom of the breast, and horizontally along the furrow under the breast.
After the surgical incisions are made, the areola of the nipple is moved. If necessary, it is then also reduced. The breast tissue is decreased, the breast is lifted, it is given a new, “proper” shape. Usually, the nipple-areola complex is not cut off from its primary innervation and blood supply; such surgery is performed very rarely, only in the case of exceptionally large breasts. The procedure usually takes 2 to 4 hours. However, you will most likely have to wait for several weeks or months to admire the fully achieved results. The swelling gradually disappears, sometimes asymmetrically.
Risks and possible postoperative complications
After the surgical incisions are made, the areola of the nipple is moved. If necessary, it is then also reduced. The breast tissue is decreased, the breast is lifted, it is given a new, “proper” shape. Usually, the nipple-areola complex is not cut off from its primary innervation and blood supply; such surgery is performed very rarely, only in the case of exceptionally large breasts. The procedure usually takes 2 to 4 hours. However, you will most likely have to wait for several weeks or months to admire the fully achieved results. The swelling gradually disappears, sometimes asymmetrically.
- scar outgrowths,
- infections,
- More acute wound healing,
- the risks associated with anesthesia,
- excessive bleeding
- changes in the sensitivity of the nipples and breasts, which although in most cases are temporary, very few have experienced permanent changes,
- changes in skin color,
- edema,
- irregularities in the outline of the breast contour,
- breast asymmetry,
- hematomas,
- inability to breastfeed,
- risk of slight skin necrosis on the border of vertical and horizontal cuts,
- the
The patient receives a specialized, well-fitting bra with an indication for continuous wear for six weeks. During the first four weeks, it is recommended to pay exceptional attention to your body’s reactions. Despite the absence of pain or other symptoms indicative of recent surgery, you should avoid forcing yourself, making sudden, vigorous moves. Rest is recommended to allow for quick healing. Sports activities, household chores (such as ironing or window cleaning), intense movement of the pectoral muscles, or sleep in the prone position should be avoided during the recovery period. You should also abstain from excessive sun exposure, indoor tanning, and sauna. For the first three months after healing, it is recommended to massage the breasts and use ointments and creams to soften the scars. As instructed by the surgeon, sutures are usually removed 10-14 days after the procedure. Detailed information on further individual post-op care is provided to each patient upon discharge from the clinic.
Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Reduction
What kind of bra will I need to wear following surgery?
We recommend wearing a sports bra for at least 4 weeks after your procedure as
underwire and push up bras can alter results and delay the healing process for the
incisions. Avoid wearing underwire and push up bras until you have fully healed and
recovered to receive your desired results.
When will I be able to take a bath or go swimming after surgery?
Avoid swimming or taking baths for at least three weeks following surgery. After your
surgical bandages have been removed, patients are free to go swimming or taking a
bath. Avoid submerging your breasts completely into water until your incisions have fully
How long will the results last?
The results will last for a very long time! Breast reductions are only performed after the
patient’s breasts are done developing. While your results can last for a while, your results
can be affected in size due to any weight gain or pregnancy you have after your
pregnancy. If this is likely possible for you, we will discuss with you about it during your
initial visit and evaluation.
Will I be able to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery?
Depending on the method used for the surgery, breastfeeding may not be an option for
all patients following breast reduction since most of the milk ducts leading to the nipples
are removed after surgery. Breast reduction surgery can make breastfeeding more
difficult later in life and is not recommended for anyone that plans to breastfeed in the
Which incision technique is right for me?
We will discuss with you during your in-person evaluation so we can examine your body
and see which options are best for you. All of the options are not available to every single
patient since the results and medical history of each patient varies. At The Lipo Group
NYC, we emphasize on choosing a method and technique that is right for your body and
to give you the best results instead of prioritizing to diminish scarring.
Am I a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?
If you are a woman in good health, non smoker, and suffering negative side effects of
macromastia, yes you are! Any patients that would like to resolve issues of chronic back,
neck, and shoulder pain, skin irritation around breasts, the difficulty to fit clothes due to
your breasts, are a good candidate for breast reduction surgery. We can better determine
if you are a good candidate after an in-person evaluation.